Vignesh Jayanth
First Team Data Scientist
Current Role at - Stade Rennais FC
My passion for football has propelled me to learn, teach and deliver simple solutions to complex problems. I'm a licensed football coach and use data/video to build an evidence-based model to integrate coaching methodology and recruitment
Projects: Work Portfolio

Football Projects (Click to view)
1. FC Nordjallend: Attacking Strategies to overcome low-block scenarios
2. FC Atlanta United: Optimal Strategies to play out from a Goal Kick against a high-press
3. Developing an evidence-based data model to identify team style using the WWH model
4. Average-Weighted rating system for scouting players
6.Football Player Rating Systems- A review of the current State-of-art models to aid Scouting
Technical Blog Research (Click to view)
Cloud Computing- Comparative Study of Cloud offerings
Implementation of ETL- Data warehouse Architecture for a Football Analytics organization
Cloud Computing- Deploying an application to EC2 instance on AWS
Project Management- A case study on the demise of Thomas Cook
Database Management Systems- Implementation on Postgres SQL, Apex SQL Server using a Star Schema

Data Visualization Gallery
“As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning and meaningful statements lose precision”